A Change Of Heart

In the morning before you get up, what takes up your thoughts and starts the process of worry all over again?

An impossible situation you face remains out of your control and another sleepless night leaves you anxious and exhausted.

Even the smallest chore of the day feels difficult and a way out of your predicament seems out of the question.

It’s an issue you’ve longed to see resolved but every day you’re one step further  from the solution.

What can you do?

If you’re anything like me you read your bible and stand on the promises of God and pray until you see breakthrough.

Yet this one problem will not let up.

Do we give up hope? Do we stop believing the words our Father gave us?

No. The God of the impossible is for you. He hasn’t forgotten you. And he knows every heart ache you face.

“Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you in every decision you make. Become intimate with him in whatever you do, and he will lead you wherever you go.”

Proverbs 3:5&6

While this scripture is a beautiful reminder of God’s guidance recently the  significance of the second verse has become clearer. Being intimate with God is key to our heart’s rest.

Especially now as we see evil exposed and flaunting itself on the world stage we need to have a deeper relationship with our Savior.

For me that looks like seeing him in those dark places. Telling him the heartbreak I feel over the sadness in this broken world. Asking him to show me what he is doing through the trials and the sorrows I see.

I’ve been tempted to grow weary from the struggles I see my loved ones endure. To doubt I’ll see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. To become discouraged by the events playing out it seems from the book of Revelation.

Somehow when I acknowledge his presence, his Sovereignty in those hard places, he restores my faith. Even to the point where my heart is light and I can rest in his will. He replaces the heaviness with strength, wisdom and guidance for those issues on my heart and for the day ahead.

Trust our heavenly father sees you and hears the cries of your heart. Have a deep conversation about what weighs you down. And he will give you rest and show you the way until you find a solution.

Our God is faithful to do this and more.